Tray Erectors


Tray erector for large dimensions FOVA 2000 is a tray erector able to process large trays with dimensions up to 1200×1000 (and higher). The flat cardboards are stored horizontally in a motorized tray magazine were the cardboards are lifted up to the pickup height. The cardboard is then transferred to the forming area. During the transfer glue tracks are applied in the proper position. When in the forming area the side walls are formed by pneumatically activated bars.


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    70044, Polignano a Mare (BA)
  • +39 080 4968989
  • VAT: IT05375680724


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  •  C.da Montaltino n.c.
    70044, Polignano a Mare (BA)
  • +39 080 4968989
  • VAT: IT05375680724

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